Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Women in International Relations

This week we were joined by members of Women in War and International Politics, a group which is part of the King's College London School of Social Science and Public Policy. The interview features PhD students Elaine Korzak and Isabelle Anstey, Dr Ami Abou-Bakr and BA students Marta Music and Ingvild Hokstad. We discussed topics including the aims of the group and female marginalisation in internationalisation and global politics. 



Monday, 11 March 2013

Inside the IRA

The War Studies department at King's College London was lucky enough to be visited by former IRA member turned informer for the Ulster Constabulary Mr Sean O'Callaghan. He spoke to myself and my co-presenter Tom Meade about his experiences inside the IRA and as an informer. The interview, posted below, was extremely enlightening about the motivations of those involved in terrorist organisations and the process of becoming an informer. 


Sunday, 10 February 2013

The FrontLine Club: Mali, A New Front in the Fight Against Terrorism?

As Mali intervention headlines gripped the world The Frontline Club’s expert First Wednesday  panel  gathered on 6th February to discuss this new front in the fight against terrorism. Chair Paddy O’Connell began by asking the panel to outline what they most wanted the audience to know about the Malian conflict.

Its political and military complexities were pointed out by all the panellists. BBC journalist Ibrahima Diane said, “We tend to think that it is Islamist against the Southern Mali, but I think it is more complex than that.” Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats and UN High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lord Ashdown added: “Whitehall thinks that this is a battle of the war on terror in which Islamic extremists have as their enemy the West (…) This is something much bigger and much wider, this is the beginnings of a major attempt to take over the Sunni Umma by Salafists.”

The discussion moved to identify the conflicts’ major actors, starting with the rebel forces’ composition. Wilfred Willey, the UK’s Malian Community Council President , listed rebel groups involved as the MNLA (National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad), Anser Dine, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Movement for Oneness of Jihad in West Africa.

Willey added,

 “The latest one (Tuareg rebellion) was hijacked by mercenaries coming from Libya and jihadists that already operated in the Sahara,”  

The panel dispelled the image of a formerly democratic Mali as discussion moved to the Malian Government and military. Journalist Lindsey Hilsum said:

 “There was this myth that Mali was a model of democracy in Africa, it wasn’t. It was a weak and corrupted state which happened to have periodic elections (…) the interim president has a huge problem of legitimacy.”   

Lord Ashdown answered whether this is a new front against terrorism. He agreed that it was and explained:

 “This is a takeover of a Sunni Umma as a precursor to a widening battle between the Sunni and Shia, and we should be bloody worried about that, so the more we can prevent this takeover of the Sunni Umar (…) the more we can avoid that outcome.”

Ibrahima Diane was firm in his support for the intervention of France; he said it was “One of the best decisions from Francois Hollande.” While this gained acceptance from the panel, Ashdown stressed that intervention “Is the easy bit.”   

The panel were split in their conclusions; Diane was hopeful about Mali’ prospects. He said, “I am optimistic that next in Mali will be the elections, the guerrilla war I am sure will happen but you have people there that can do that battle.”

Ashdown doubted elections could solve Mali’s problems and said, “If you do not first of all create the rule of law, all an election will do (…) is embed the corrupt structures into the process of elected government.”

Watch the full event here:

Russia and the Arctic: An interview with Gonzalo Pozo-Martin

On January 13th I was joined by Dr Gonzalo Pozo-Martin, a lecturer in International Political Economy at King's College London, to discuss Russia and the Arctic. Please see the link below for the full interview.


Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Welcome to my new Blog. This blog will feature articles, interviews and clips on a range of subjects including conflict, international relations, sport and nature. I will try and post at least one article a week, but to kick things off below is a selection of my work published on the Cricket World website and some of the interviews I have conducted at the War Studies Department at King's College London.  

Monday, 14 January 2013

An Interview with Raphael Marcus

On the 14th of December 2012 I was joined by King's College London War Studies Phd student Raphael Marcus to discuss military innovation and insurgency adaptation in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict.

Please see the link below, skip to 19.00 for the interview:


An Interview with Emile Simpson

On 7th December 2012 I was lucky enough to be joined by Emile Simpson, author of War From the Ground Up: 21st Century Combat as Politics. We discussed Emile’s new book as well as his views on the current war in Afghanistan. 
Please see the link below, please skip to 3.55 for the interview.
