Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Women in International Relations

This week we were joined by members of Women in War and International Politics, a group which is part of the King's College London School of Social Science and Public Policy. The interview features PhD students Elaine Korzak and Isabelle Anstey, Dr Ami Abou-Bakr and BA students Marta Music and Ingvild Hokstad. We discussed topics including the aims of the group and female marginalisation in internationalisation and global politics. 



Monday, 11 March 2013

Inside the IRA

The War Studies department at King's College London was lucky enough to be visited by former IRA member turned informer for the Ulster Constabulary Mr Sean O'Callaghan. He spoke to myself and my co-presenter Tom Meade about his experiences inside the IRA and as an informer. The interview, posted below, was extremely enlightening about the motivations of those involved in terrorist organisations and the process of becoming an informer. 
